Importers of goods into New Zealand in some sectors need to provide test reports that certify the goods meet a particular product standard adopted and required by New Zealand authorities. New Zealand laboratories undertaking the testing must be IANZ-accredited for these tests. If tested overseas, the testing laboratory must have an equivalent accreditation, i.e. accredited by an accreditation body that is a full signatory partner to the ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) MRA (Mutual Recognition Arrangement).
Unfortunately, some submitted test reports originating from offshore locations in support of import certification have proven to be fraudulent. IANZ therefore provides a service, usually through international liaison with our ILAC MRA partners, to verify the authenticity and validity of test reports issued by overseas laboratories. Acceptable test reports will be issued an IANZ endorsement document. The verification process may take as little as a few days or extend up to a few weeks depending on the response from overseas parties (ILAC MRA partners and testing laboratories). There are fees for this service.
The fee to verify test reports for graphic materials is $260 +GST per test report. (Please refer to the Manufacturing, importing and retailing graphic materials in New Zealand section below.) For all other overseas test reports the verification fee is $360 +GST per test report.
Importers need to forward their test report to IANZ for review (Email to:, after which payment is requested. The verification process will begin once payment is received.
The test report must:
· be in English and preferably an electronic version issued by the testing laboratory.
· be endorsed with the accreditation body symbol (logo) from the issuing laboratory, and ideally carry the combined ILAC MRA mark.
You will receive an email advising the outcome of the verification process. If verified, IANZ will provide an endorsement document.
(includes finger paints, children’s crayons and children’s water colour paints)
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) monitors the importing or manufacturing of children's finger paints, crayons, or water colour paints. Access their website for compliance details.
For overseas test reports relating to graphic materials, the EPA will refer the importer to IANZ to determine if testing has been performed by a laboratory accredited for the specific approved methods in the Group Standard by an accreditation body recognised under the ILAC MRA.
Please note, IANZ is not the regulator. IANZ's involvement is only for the verification of the test reports.
Tips for checking overseas test reports for graphic materials to see if they are likely to be acceptable to IANZ:
· Does the report carry the symbol (logo) of an ILAC MRA signatory? e.g. CNAS, HKAS
· Has the distributor indicated that the testing has taken place in an accredited laboratory and the results found to comply with the Group Standard?
· Has testing been carried out to acceptable methods, including EN 71-3 or AS/NZS ISO 8124.3 for leachable metals?
· Do the test results indicate compliance? (i.e. pass)
· The report should preferably be less than three years old.
Face paints are not covered by the Graphic Materials Group Standard 2020 but are regulated under the Cosmetic Products Group Standard - please contact the EPA; IANZ is not the regulator.
Graphic materials which do not fit the scope of this Group Standard (i.e. are not finger paints, children’s crayons or children’s water colour paints) may fit within the scope of other relevant Surface Coatings and Colourants Group Standards - please contact the EPA; IANZ is not the regulator.